World Languages In Action

Description of Project and Goals

In the spring 2017, Level 1 World Language students were tasked with persuading potential exchange students to come to Rachel Carson Middle School. The Driving Questions was: How can you convince a potential (target language) exchange student to stay with your family for two weeks next year?

We hope our videos have given you a glimpse into life here and perhaps convinced you to come to our town!


Video 1 - Venez au collège Rachel Carson!

Video 2 - Qu'est-ce que RCMS pourrait vous offrir?

Video 3 - Venez au collège Rachel Carson 2!

Video 4 - Jetez un coup d'oeil sur la notre vie!

Video 5 - La vie des collégiens ici!

Video 6 - Un jour dans la vie d'une collégienne à Rachel Carson


Video 1 - La vida de un estudiante de RCMS

Video 2 - 


Video 1 

Video 2

Video 3