FCPSOn at Carson


Beginning the  2020-2021 school year, FCPS will offer every student access to a computer for learning. As part of our initiative to provide equitable access to relevant and enriching activities, Carson will leverage the 1:1 devices to prepare students with 21st century skills and the development of Portrait of a Graduate attributes including communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. If you want to learn more, visit the FCPSOn public webpage.

FCPSOn Device Expectations: 

  • RESTART your device daily to allow updates to be installed, and to maximize the efficiency. 
  • All students are expected to bring a FULLY CHARGED FCPSOn laptop every day

  • Students are responsible for their device and will receive the same laptop each school year

  • All students will participate in regular “health checks” to ensure their machines stay up-to-date

  • Students who forget their laptop will not be provided a loaner

    • Loaner laptops will be reserved for students whose laptops are out for repair

  • Broken or malfunction devices should be brought to school (more information)

    • There will not be fees for incidental damage. However, schools will treat repeated instances of damage from negligence the same way they would treat negligent damage to any school property. Students may be financially liable for lost/stolen computers.

      • Laptop - $467
      • Charger - $28

Carson Panther Device Norms


  • Bring your laptop to school FULLY CHARGED each day  

  • Use your device for learning

  • Create a positive digital footprint

  • Keep food and drink away from your laptop


  • Use technology as, and when, directed by your teacher

  • Give your full attention to the teacher and other students when they are talking

  • Turn off distracting notifications

  • Record/photograph others only with their permission  

  • Stay on task when using the laptop in class.