Young Scholars at Carson
What is the Young Scholars Model?
Young Scholars is:
- Designed to identify and nurture students with high academic potential from historically underrepresented groups* in Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) and courses
- A strategy to increase access to rigor found in:
- The FCPS strategic plan.
- The Closing the Achievement Gap framework.
- In addition to, not a replacement of, advanced learning opportunities from the FCPS AAP continuum of services.
*Twice exceptional, English Learners, Black, Hispanic, or economically vulnerable
Why Young Scholars?
Young Scholars is a K-12 model:
- Designed to remove access and opportunity gaps
- For students historically underserved in advanced academic programming.
- That supports students through challenging coursework with a variety of strategies in elementary, middle, and high school.
How does Young Scholars work?
Because Young Scholars (YS) is a model rather than a prescribed program, schools meet the goals in different ways. Some examples of YS in action may include:
- Increased frequency and intensity of advanced academic curriculum and strategies.
- School-based extracurricular enrichment opportunities .
- Young Scholars Advisory Time (middle and high school students) activities like goal setting, study skills, career explorations
- Extracurricular enrichment experiences in Young Scholars Summer Learning (for elementary and middle school students).
- Young Scholars Summer Institutes (high school students at select high school sites).
- Ongoing family partnerships.
- Engagement with a mentor.
- Academic advising at transitions from elementary to middle to high school.
- Progress reflection and goal setting conferences.
- Continued college and career readiness/counseling opportunities.
School staff at all levels work with students and families to make sure students have:
- Continued support for access.
- Success in advanced coursework.
How are Young Scholars identified?
A local school committee will meet and identify students for Young Scholars. Elementary school students are also identified for AAP services at that time. Secondary students may also be identified for a Young Scholar designation. These students are enrolled in advanced courses.
School Contacts
For questions about Young Scholars, please contact:
- Advanced Academic Resource Teacher - Coming Soon!
- Your Child's Classroom Teacher
- Director of Student Services, Jen Miley
- Counselor Liaison, Christy Ryder