Welcome to Panther’s Track & Field!

The last day to turn in all paperwork and register online for this season is May 7th at 2:30pm.  

Welcome to Panther’s Track & Field! 

We will have a Track & Field Interest Meeting on Monday, March 17th after school during A Block. 

All requirements for competing in middle school sports must be completed before students may participate in Track & Field practices or meets.

Registration for Spring Track is now open.  Please register before April 11th in order to participate in the required practices before the first meet. Registration will CLOSE on May 7th at 2:30pm. All online, medical, emergency and permission forms must be submitted by this hard deadline.

Practices will begin on April 2nd, and meet on Mondays and Wednesdays through the season. Athletes must complete three full practices before being eligible to compete in a meet.

Scheduled Meet Dates:  

  • April 26 - Meet 1 - Centreville HS
  • May 3 - Meet 2 - Woodson HS
  • May 10 - Meet 3 - Fairfax HS
  • May 17 - Meet 4 - Chantilly HS
  • May 31 - Meet 5  (Robinson HS - Championship Meet- limited participation)

All meets will run from 8:00am through possibly 3:00pm.  Busses will be provided for all meets, departure time from RCMS dependent on meet location. If participating in the meet, ALL athletes MUST ride the bus from Rachel Carson to each meet location and return to RCMS on the bus, and are required to be present for the entire meet. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the meets to cheer on their athlete, and will need to drop off and pick up their student from Rachel Carson Middle School.

We will need parent volunteers at both home and away meets so if you are able to help out, please look for a sign up to open with the season!

Specific meet details will be provided to registered families via email before the events.

We look forward to an exciting season!



Coach Mark Bolt

Coach Roger Tiangco

Coach Mark Grant

Athletics Coordinator Veronica Delaney

After School Specialist Riley Barrows