Academic Advising/Course Registration

Below you can find our Rising 7th Grade Introductory Video.

Carson's Rising Seventh Grade Curriculum Night and Elective Open House is on January 11, 2024.  See the agenda below.

PDF version here

Course Registration for Current FCPS Rising 7th and 8th Grade Students 

Counselors will be working with students in January through early February to register for courses for the upcoming school year. Course descriptions and information on requirements can be found in the catalog. Questions regarding course registration can be answered by your child's counselor. Parents of rising 7th grade students are encouraged to speak with their child's 6th grade teacher and school counselor to assist in choosing appropriate courses for the next school year. 

More information about FCPS Middle School programs and departments can be found on the FCPS Middle school site.

To Register for Next Year Parents Must Have an Active SIS ParentVue Account.  

Please note that all students will be entering courses through their SIS StudentVue account.  Parents will be able to see the courses students have selected using their ParentVue account.  Enrolling parents who have not yet set up a ParentVue account will be receiving a letter in the mail that includes their activation code and instructions for how to set up your account.  Additional information on your ParentVue account can be found HERE.

To activate your account, please click here:

Advanced Academics in middle school

Middle School Honors Classes

Rising 8th Grade Students

Rising 9th Grade Students

Course Catalog

7th and 8th-grade students will be enrolled in the following courses:

  • 5 Core Classes (English, Math , Science, History & Health and Physical Education)
  • 2 Electives (Options include 2 full year, 1 full year + 2 semester, or 4 semester)

When reviewing and making course selections, please access the course catalog linked below for the full description of each course. 

7th Grade Course Catalog

8th Grade Course Catalog

Sample Course Selection sheets can be found below. 

7th Grade Sample Course Selection Sheet

This is a sample only. Please do not use this sample sheet to submit selections. Elementary school Counselors will provide your student with the official selection sheet.

8th Grade Course Selection Sheet

This course selection sheet is for parents to view. Student can access this same document in Carson Student Central Schoology Course.

The video below will guide our current Carson students through entering your courses into StudentVue.  **Rising 7th graders, current 6th graders, will not do this.

The video below will guide Rising 7th graders through entering courses into the Google Form. Rising 8th graders will not use this process.